Research regions The study of specific developing countries and regions underpins our empirical enquiry into our four research themes Breadcrumb Home Research Research regions Content type Research People News In the Media Blogs STAFF PROJECT The Role of Internationalisation on Technological Capability-Upgrading in Developing Countries LEARN MORE DPhil PROJECT 'Quando Era Jovem…/When I was young…': An Intergenerational Oral History of Youth in Maputo, Mozambique (1975-2020) LEARN MORE DPhil PROJECT 'We should not take identity out of the question, we should question identity': Exploring the politics of storytelling and self-making for LGBTQ+ refugees in Nairobi LEARN MORE STAFF PROJECT ‘State of Emergency’: The politics of Zimbabwe’s cholera outbreak, 2008-2009 LEARN MORE STAFF PROJECT A history of political imprisonment in Zimbabwe, 1959-2011 LEARN MORE DPhil PROJECT A party-state derailed: The techno-politics of infrastructure and bureaucracy in EPRDF’s Ethiopia LEARN MORE STAFF PROJECT Africa: Policies for Prosperity LEARN MORE STAFF PROJECT After exit: assessing the consequences of United Nations peacekeeping withdrawal LEARN MORE DPhil PROJECT Barriers to youth employment in South Africa LEARN MORE STAFF PROJECT Cities and dominance: urban strategies and struggles in authoritarian transitions LEARN MORE DPhil PROJECT Colonial biomedical infrastructures and the interpenetration of biomedical knowledge in northwest Zimbabwe, 1940s to 1980 LEARN MORE DPhil PROJECT Constitutions of citizenship in the post-colonial context: The spatial and political legacies of bantustanisation in QwaQwa LEARN MORE Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Next ›
STAFF PROJECT The Role of Internationalisation on Technological Capability-Upgrading in Developing Countries LEARN MORE
DPhil PROJECT 'Quando Era Jovem…/When I was young…': An Intergenerational Oral History of Youth in Maputo, Mozambique (1975-2020) LEARN MORE
DPhil PROJECT 'We should not take identity out of the question, we should question identity': Exploring the politics of storytelling and self-making for LGBTQ+ refugees in Nairobi LEARN MORE
STAFF PROJECT ‘State of Emergency’: The politics of Zimbabwe’s cholera outbreak, 2008-2009 LEARN MORE
DPhil PROJECT A party-state derailed: The techno-politics of infrastructure and bureaucracy in EPRDF’s Ethiopia LEARN MORE
STAFF PROJECT After exit: assessing the consequences of United Nations peacekeeping withdrawal LEARN MORE
STAFF PROJECT Cities and dominance: urban strategies and struggles in authoritarian transitions LEARN MORE
DPhil PROJECT Colonial biomedical infrastructures and the interpenetration of biomedical knowledge in northwest Zimbabwe, 1940s to 1980 LEARN MORE
DPhil PROJECT Constitutions of citizenship in the post-colonial context: The spatial and political legacies of bantustanisation in QwaQwa LEARN MORE