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Dawn Chatty

Fellow Emeritus and Professor of Anthropology & Forced Migration

Dawn Chatty is a social anthropologist whose ethnographic interests lie in the Middle East, particularly with nomadic pastoral tribes and refugee young people. Her research interests include a number of forced migration and development issues such as conservation-induced displacement, tribal resettlement, modern technology and social change, gender and development and the impact of prolonged conflict on refugee young people.

She is both an academic anthropologist and a practitioner, having carefully developed her career in universities in the United States, Lebanon, Syria and Oman, as well as with a number of development agencies such as the UNDP, UNICEF, FAO and IFAD. After taking her undergraduate degree with honours at UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles), she took a Master’s degree in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies, the Hague, Netherlands. She returned to UCLA to take her PhD in Social Anthropology under the late Professor Hilda Kuper.

Following the award of a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship, Dr Chatty spent the period October 2005-September 2007 researching and writing a manuscript on Dispossession and Forced Migration in the Middle East. The volume was published by Cambridge University Press (May 2010) with the title Dispossession and Displacement in the Modern Middle East.

Dawn Chatty teaches Research Methods for the MSc in Refugee & Forced Migration Studies as well as offering an option on Dispossession and Displacement in the Modern Middle East.

  • Books and monographs

    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) From Camel to Truck: The Bedouin in the Modern World (Reissued with extended forward) . , Cambridge: White Horse Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    T Sternberg ( ) Modern Pastoralism and Conservation: Old Problems, New Challenges . , Beijing: Intellectual Property Publishing House
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) al-Ru'at al-Mutanaqilun fi Sultanat 'Uman . , Beirut: Dar al Moualef
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Displacement and Dispossession in the Modern Middle East . , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    B Finlayson ( ) Dispossession and Displacement in the Middle East and North Africa . , Oxford: Oxford University Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Deterritorialized Youth: Afghan and Sahrawi Refugee Young People at the Margins of the Middle East . , Oxford and New York: Berghan Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) (ed) Nomadic societies in the Middle East and North Africa: entering the 21st century . , Leiden: Brill
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Nomadic Societies in the Middle East and North Africa . , Leiden: Brill
    Chatty, Dawn
    G Lewando Hundt ( ) Chldren of Palestine: Experiencing Forced Migration in the Middle East . , Oxford and New York: Berghahn Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    S Baas, A Fleig ( ) Participatory Processes towards Co-management of Natural Resources in Pastoral Areas of the Middle East . , Rome: FAO
    Chatty, Dawn
    M Colchester ( ) (eds) Conservation and Indigenous Mobile Peoples: Displacement, Forced Settlement, and Sustainable Development . , Oxford and New York: Berghahn Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Tanthiim Al-Nisa': Al-Tanthiimaat Al-Nisa'iyyah Al-Rasmiyah wa Gheir al-Rasmiyah fi Al-Sharq Al-Awsat . , Damascus: Al Mada Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    A Rabo ( ) Organizing Women: Formal and Informal Women's Groups in the Middle East . , Oxford: Berg
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Mobile Pastoralists: Development, Planning and Social Change in Oman . , New York: CUP
  • Journal articles and special issues

    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Guests and Hosts: Arab Hospitality Underpins a Humane Approach to Asylum Policy . Cairo Review of Global Affairs 9 76-85
    Chatty, Dawn
    P Marfleet ( ) Conceptual Problems in Forced Migration . Refugee Survey Quarterly 32 (2) 1-13
    Chatty, Dawn
    N Mansour, N Yassin ( ) Bedouin in Lebanon: social discrimination, political exclusion, and compromised health care . Social Science and Medicine 82 43-50
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Refugees, Exiles, and other Forced Migrants in the Late Ottoman Empire . Refugee Survey Quarterly 32 (2) 35-52
    Chatty, Dawn
    M Mylne, H T de Burgh ( ) Report on Health Provisions to Nomads: Improving Medical Staffing at Haima Hospital, Jiddat-il-Harasiis, Oman . Nomadic Peoples 17 (1) 137-47
    Chatty, Dawn
    S Zimmerman, M Nørredam ( ) Health needs and access to care in immigration detention: perceptions of former detainees . International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 8 (4) 180-5
    Chatty, Dawn
    N Mansour ( ) Unlocking Protracted Displacement: An Iraqi Case Study . Refugee Survey Quarterly 30 (4) pp 50-83
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) The Bedouin in Contemporary Syria: The Persistence of Tribal Authority and Control . Middle East Journal 64(1) 29-49
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Introduction: Bedouin in Lebanon: Migration, Settlement, Health Care and Policy . International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 6(3) 19-21
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Bedouin in Lebanon: The Transformation of a Way of Life or an Attitude . Interantional Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 6(3) 21-31
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Rituals of Royalty and the Elaboration of Ceremony in Oman: View from the Edge . International Journal of Middle East Studies 41 39-58
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Palestinian Refugee Youth: Agency and Aspiration . Refugee Studies Quarterly 28 318-338
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Los Jovenes: Refugiados Palestinos . Culturas: Revista de Analis y Debate Sobre Oriente Proximo y El Mediterraneo 2 35-64
    Chatty, Dawn
    R Jaubert ( ) Alternative Perceptions of Authority and Control: The Desert and the Ma'moura of Syria (Guest Editors' Note) . The Arab World Geographer 5 (2) 71-2
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Adapting to Multinational Oil Exploration: The Mobile Pastoralists of Oman . Mitteilungen des SFB 'Differenz und Integration': Nomadismus aus der Perspektive der Begrifflichkeit , Orientwissenschaftliches Zentrum. Universitat Halle - Wittenberg pp 1-19
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Disseminating Findings from Research with Palestinian Children and Adolescents . Forced Migration Review 15 40-3
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Mobile Peoples and Conservation (Guest Editorial) . Anthropology Today 18 (4) 1-2
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Pastoral Tribes in the Middle East and Wildlife Conservation Schemes: The Endangered Species? . Nomadic Peoples 5 (2) 104-24
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Women Working in Oman: Individual Choice and Cultural Constraints . International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 32 241-54
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Integrating Participation into Research and Consultancy: A Conservation Example from Syria . Social Policy and Administration 34 (4) 408-18
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Bedouin Economics and the Modern Wage Market: The Case of the Harasiis of Oman . Nomadic Peoples 4 (2) 68-83
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Enclosures and Exclusions: Conserving Wildlife in Pastoral Areas of the Middle East . Anthropology Today 14 (4)
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) The Middle East: Wildlife Conservation Schemes and Pastoral Tribes . Forced Migration Review 2 pp 27-30
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Wildlife Conservation Schemes and Pastoral Tribes in the Middle East: The Endangered Species? . Development Anthropologist (Bulletin of the Institute for Development Anthropology)
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Local Administration and Harasiis Tribal Authority in the Sultanate of Oman . Nomadic Peoples , Commission on Nomadic Peoples 38 137-49
  • Chapters

    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Anthropology and Forced migration . In E Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, G Loescher, K Long, N Sigona The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies , Oxford: Oxford University Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Negotiating Authenticity and Translocality in Oman: the \"Desertscapes\" of the Harasiis tribe . In S Wiffpel Regionalizing Oman: Political, Economic and Social Dynamics , Heidelberg: Springer Publishers
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Rejecting Authenticity in the Desert Landscapes of the Modern Middle East: Development Processes in the Jiddat il-Harasiis, Oman . In S Hafez, S Slymovics Anthropology of the Middle East and North Africa: Into the New Millennium , Bloomington: Indian University Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Refugees in the Middle East: Identity Politics among Sahrawi, Palestinian and Afghan Youth . In Manata Hashemi, Martin Sanchez-Jankowski Children in Crisis: Ethnographic Studies in International Contexts , New York: Routledge Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Adapting to Biodiversity Conservation: The Mobile Pastoralist Harasiis Tribe of Oman . In D Chatty, T Sternberg Modern Pastoralism and Conservation: Old Problems, New Challenges , Beijing: Intellectual Property Publishing House
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Social Cohesion in an Impermanent Landscape: Dispossession and Forced Migration in the Arab Middle East . In P Panayi, Pippa Virdee Refugees and the End of Empire: Imperial Collapse and Forced Migration during the Twentieth Century , London: Routledge
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Epilogue . In D Chatty, B Finlayson Dispossession and Displacement in the Middle East and North Africa , Oxford: Oxford University Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Introduction to Fored Migration in the Middle East . In D Chatty, B Finlayson Dispossession and Displacement in the Middle East and North Africa , Oxford: Oxford University Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Introduction: Deterritorialized Youth: Sahrawi and Afghan Refugees at the Margins of the Middle East . In D Chatty Deterritorialized Youth: Afghan and Sahrawi Refugee Young People at the Margins of the Middle East , Oxford and New York: Berghan Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    E Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, G Crivello ( ) Identity With/out Territory: Sahrawi Refugees in Transnational Space . In D Chatty Deterritorialized Youth: Afghan and Sahrawi Refugee Young People at the Margins of the Middle East , Oxford and New York: Berghahn Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Introduction . In D Chatty Nomadic Societies of the Middle East and North Africa: entering the 21st Century , Leiden: Brill
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Assumptions of Degradation and Misuse: The Bedouin in the Syrian Badia . In D Chatty Nomadic socities of the Middle East and North Africa: Entering the 21st Century , Leiden: Brill
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Multinational Oil Exploitation and Social Investment: Mobile Pastoralists in the Sultanate of Oman . In D Chatty Nomadic societies in the Middle East and North Africa: entering the 21st century , Leiden: Brill
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Boarding Schools for Mobile People: The Harasiis in the Sultanate of Oman . In C Dyer The Education of Nomadic Peoples: Issues, Provisions and Prospects , Oxford and New York: Berghahn Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Environmentalism in the Syrian Badia: The Assumption of Degradation Protection and Bedouin Misuse . In E Bergland Ethnographies of Ecological Under-Privilege , Oxford and New York: Berghahn Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) L'Activite Feminine en Oman: Choix Individuel et Contraintes Culturelles . In M Lavergne L'Oman Contemporain: Etat, Territoire, Identite , Paris: Editions Karthala pp 261-78
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Animal Reintroduction Projects in the Middle East: Conservation Without a Human Face . In D Chatty, M Colchester Conservation and Indigenous Mobile Peoples: Displacement, Forced Settlement, and Sustainable Development , Oxford and New York: Berghahn Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Introduction: Conservation and Mobile Indigenous Peoples . In D Chatty, M Colchester Conservation and Indigenous Mobile Indigenous Peoples: Displacement, Forced Settlement, and Sustainable Development , Oxford and New York: Berghahn Press pp 1-20
    Chatty, Dawn
    J Peterson ( ) Oman . In M Ember, C Ember Countries and Their Cultures Vol 3 , New York: Macmillan Reference USA
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Harasiis Marriage, Divorce and Companionship . In D Bowen, E Early Everyday Life in the Muslim Middle East , Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press
    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) The Burqa Face Cover: An Aspect of Dress in Southeastern Arabia . In N Lindisfarne-Tapper, B Ingham Languages of Dress in the Middle East , Richmond: Curzon Press pp 127-48
  • Reports

    Chatty, Dawn
    G Hundt ( ) Children and Adolescents in Palestinian Households in the Middle East: Living with Prolonged Conflict and Forced Migration. Lesson Learned Report . Special publication of the RSC and ARC , Oxford and Beirut
  • Encyclopedia entries

    Chatty, Dawn
    ( ) Palestinian Refugees . In M Gibney, R Hansen Migration and Asylum: From 1900 to the Present , Oxford and Santa Barbara CA: ABC Clio
Teaching & Supervision
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