Research interests
Climate change, natural resource extraction, social movements, religion and faith communities
Severine Deneulin
Séverine Deneulin is Associate Fellow in International Development at ODID, and Director of International Development at the Laudato Si’ Research Institute, Campion Hall.
Her research is in the area of development ethics, focusing on the works of Indian economist and philosopher Amartya Sen. Her research seeks to bring the social sciences in dialogue with religious traditions on matters of global socio-economic development and sustainability. Her regional expertise is Latin America. She currently researches the role of faith communities as civil society actors in natural resource governance. She has published a research report on ‘Faith-Based Participation in Natural-Resource Governance: Communities Defending Life and Territories in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico’ in collaboration with the World Resource Institute. With ODID colleagues, she has recently edited a special issue of Oxford Development Studies on ‘Social equity and care for the earth: tensions and synergies in Latin America'.
Her books include Human Development and the Catholic Social Tradition (Routledge, 2021), Wellbeing, Justice and Development Ethics (Routledge, 2014), Religion in Development (with Masooda Bano, Zed Books 2009). She has published many articles on the capability approach and human development, and on religion in development, including in World Development, Third World Quarterly, Development and Change.
Prior to coming to Oxford, she was Associate Professor of International Development at the University of Bath. Séverine holds a DPhil in International Development from the University of Oxford, and a MSc in Economics from the University of Louvain in her native Belgium.
Séverine coordinates the Core Course in the MPhil in Development Studies at ODID, and lectures in it on poverty and human development. She is co-convening an elective course on ‘Valuing Nature: Ethical Frameworks and Policy Implications’ at the School of Geography and the Environment. She is also contributing to the Climate Change Questions from the Global South optional course at ODID.
Books and monographs( ) Integral Human Development: The Capability Approach and Catholic Social Teaching . , University of Notre Dame Press( ) Human Development and the Catholic Social Tradition: Towards an Integral Ecology. Religion and Development Research Series . , Routledge( ) Wellbeing, Justice and Development Ethics . , Routledge( ) An Introduction to the Human Development and Capability Approach: Freedom and Agency . , Earthscan/International Development Centre of Canada( ) Religion in Development: Rewriting the Secular Script . , Zed Books( ) The Capability Approach and the Praxis of Development . , Palgrave( ) Transforming Unjust Structures: The Capability Approach . , Springer
Journal articles and special issues( ) Religion and Development: Integral Ecology and the Catholic Church Amazon Synod, Third World Quarterly 42(10) 2282-99( ) Education for Just Transitions Lifelong Learning and the 30th Anniversary Human Development Report’ . International Review of Education 67: 637–58( ) Spirituality and impact evaluation design . HTS Theological Studies 75 (4) a5482( ) Collective Choice and Social Welfare by Amartya Sen: A Review Essay with Reference to Development Policy in Peru . Development Policy Review 37 (4) 564-78( ) Integral human development through the lens of Amartya Sen’s capability approach and a faith community at the Latin American urban margins . Journal of Catholic Social Thought 15 (2)( ) Urban Inequality, Youth and Social Policy in Latin America . Oxford Development Studies 46 (1) 3-9( ) Engaging Development with Religion: Methodological Groundings World Development 99 (Nov) 110-121( ) Expanding Freedoms, Changing Structures: Assessment of the Human Development Report 2014 Development and Change 47 (4) 937-51( ) Recovering Nussbaum’s Aristotelian Roots . International Journal of Social Economics 40 (7) 624-32( ) Hope Movements: Naming Mobilization in a Post-development World Development and Change 43 (2) 585-602( ) Development and the Limits of Amartya Sen’s The Idea of Justice . Third World Quarterly 32 (4) 787-97( ) Revisiting Religion: Development Studies Thirty Years On World Development 39 (1) 45-54( ) The Capability Approach and the Politics of a Social Conception of Wellbeing European Journal of Social Theory 13 (4) 501-19( ) Review Essay: Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do by Michael Sandel and The Idea of Justice by Amartya Sen . Oxford Development Studies 38 (3) 383-8( ) Public Goods, Global Public Goods and the Common Good . International Journal of Social Economics 34 (1/2) 19-36( ) Individual Well-Being, Migration Remittances and the Common Good European Journal of Development Research 18 (1) 45-61( ) Amartya Sen’s Contribution to Development Thinking . Studies in Comparative International Development, with response by Amartya Sen 37 (2) 61-70
Chapters( ) Religion and Development . In M Clarke Elgar Encyclopedia of Development , Edward Elgar( ) Religion and the Capability Approach . In S Osmani, M Qizilbash and E Chiappero-Martinetti The Cambridge Handbook of the Capability Approach , Cambridge University Press( ) The Capability Approach: Ethics and Socio-Economic Development . In J Dydryk, L Keleher Handbook of Development Ethics , Routledge( ) Constructing new policy narratives: The capability approach as normative language . In F Stewart, GA Cornia Towards Human Development: New Approaches to Macroeconomics and Inequality , Oxford University Press( ) Christianity and Development: An Overview . In M Clarke Development and Religion: Theology and Practice , Edward Elgar( ) Advancing Human Development: Values, Groups, Power and Conflict . In J Heyer, R Thorp and V Fitzgerald Overcoming the Persistence of Inequality and Poverty , Palgrave( ) Beyond Individual Freedom and Agency: Structures of Living Together in Sen’s Capability Approach . In S Alkire, F Comim and M Qizilbash The Capability Approach: Concepts, Measures and Application , Cambridge University Press( ) Individual Motivation, its Nature, Determinants and Consequences for Within-group Behaviour . In F Stewart, J Heyer and R Thorp Group Behaviour and Development , Oxford University Press