Teaching & Supervision
Pramila Krishnan
Professor of Development Economics
Pramila Krishnan began her academic life as an econometrician working on models of self-selection before seeing the light and moving on to work in development economics.
Her research has concentrated on applied microeconomics and she has worked on topics ranging from household portfolios of poor households, to risk-sharing, intra-household allocation and informal insurance, social networks, non-cognitive skills and whether migrants might be both rich and happy.
Pramila Krishnan teaches on the MSc in Economics for Development, offering a module on education.
Research students supervised
Journal articles and special issues( ) Fading choice: transport costs and variety in consumer goods . Economica 91 (363) 1100-23( ) Currency Shocks and Firm Behaviour in Ethiopia and Uganda . Journal of African Economies 31 (S_1) i59–i82( ) Secession with Natural Resources . The Economic Journal 130 (631) 2207–48( ) Restricting trade and reducing variety: Evidence from Ethiopia . World Development 126( ) Attention and saliency on the internet: Evidence from an online recommendation system . Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 161 216-42( ) Neighbours And Extension Agents: Who Matters More For Technology Adoption . American Journal of Agricultural Economics 308-27 96 (1)( ) Changes in Living Standards in Villages in India 1975-2004: Revisiting the ICRISAT Village-Level Studies . Journal of Development Studies 49 (12) 1676-93( ) Non-cognitive skill formation in poor neighbourhoods of urban India . Labour Economics 24 68-85( ) School Inputs, Household Substitution, and Test Scores . American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 5 (2) 29-57( ) La croissance du PIB rendra-t-elle des habitants des pays en développement plus heureux? . Revue d’économie du développement , 191-8 19 (2-3)
Teaching & Supervision