
New article by Joerg Friedrichs explores majority-Muslim hate crimes in England

A new article by Joerg Friedrichs derives insights on majority-Muslim hate crimes in North England using a police dataset of racial and religious hate crimes in two districts.

The ethnic identities of complainants and suspects, as recorded in the dataset, are used to establish patterns of perpetration and victimisation in the wider context of majority-Muslim community relations.

To make the most of a patchy evidence base and gain help with interpretation, the author presents preliminary results of the data analysis to hate crime practitioners in police, local government and civil society. The most striking findings are that hate crime practitioners explain the higher incidence of hate crimes late at night and during weekends with alcohol and nightlife socialising; that minorities, whether Asian Muslim or White British, are overrepresented as victims in their own residential area; and that there is more victimisation among male than female Muslims, calling into question the narrative of “gendered Islamophobia.”

Joerg Friedrichs (2021) 'Majority-Muslim Hate Crimes in England: An Interpretive Quantitative Analysis', Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, DOI: 10.1080/13602004.2021.1947587