Robin Cohen
Robin Cohen is Emeritus Professor and Former Director of the International Migration Institute, University of Oxford. He is Senior Research Fellow at Kellogg College.
He has held full professorships at the Universities of the West Indies and Warwick and taught also at the Universities of Ibadan, Birmingham, Stanford, Toronto and Berkeley. He served as Dean of Humanities at the University of Cape Town (2001/3) and directed the nationally designated UK Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations at Warwick (1985/9).
His books include Labour and Politics in Nigeria (1974, rev. 1982), Endgame in South Africa? (1986), The New Helots: Migrants in the International Division of Labour (1987, 2023), Frontiers of Identity: The British and the Others (1994), Global Diasporas: An Introduction (1997, rev. 2008, 2012), Global Sociology (co-author, 2000, 2013), Migration and its Enemies (2006). and Encountering Difference (co-author 2016) and Migration: The Movement of Humankind from Prehistory to the Present (2019).
He has edited or co-edited 21 further volumes, particularly on the sociology and politics of developing areas, ethnicity, international migration, transnationalism and globalisation. His major works have been translated into Chinese, Danish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Slovenian and Spanish.
With Nicholas Van Hear, he is currently working on issues of mass displacement and a history of migration studies at Oxford
Books and monographs( ) Global diasporas: An introduction . Revised and enlarged 25th Anniversary edition , Routledge 2022( ) The new helots: Migrants, the precariat and the international division of labour . Kindle edition, 2023( ) Refugia: Radical Solutions to Mass Displacement . , Routledge( ) Migration: The Movement of Humankind from Prehistory to the Present . , Andre Deutsch( ) Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies . , Routledge( ) Encountering difference: diasporic traces, creolizing spaces . , Polity Press (Korean edition, 2018)( ) Migration and Culture . , Cheltenham: Edward Elgar( ) The Creolization Reader: Studies in Mixed Identities and Cultures . , London and New York: Routledge pp 416( ) Global Diasporas: An Introduction . , London and New York: Routledge pp 226( ) Global Sociology . , Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan( ) Migration and its Enemies: Global Capital, Migrant Labour and the Nation State . , Aldershot: Ashgate pps 252( ) The New Helots: Migrants in the International Division of Labour . , Reprinted Aldershot: Ashgate pps 290( ) Conceiving Cosmopolitanism: Theory, Context and Practice . , Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press pps 314( ) Global Diasporas: An Introduction . , New Routledge edition pps 374
Journal articles and special issues( ) Citizenship: from three to seven principles of belonging . Social Identities 28 (1) 139–46( ) Strangers and migrants in the making of African societies: a conceptual and historical review Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 12 (1) 45–59( ) If you want to know about social identities, study the Caribbean Social Identities( ) Diasporas and conflict: distance, contiguity and spheres of engagement Oxford Development Studies 45 (2) 171–84( ) Visions of Refugia: territorial and transnational solutions to mass displacement . Planning Theory and Practice 18 (3) 494-504( ) Reconsidering social inclusion/exclusion in social theory: nine perspectives, three levels . Mondi Migranti: Rivista di studi e ricerche sulle migrazioni internazionali 1 7–29( ) Cinematic Representations of Diaspora: Italians and Jews . Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture 1(1) 5-23( ) Islands, Diaspora and Creolization . Special issue of Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 17 (1)( ) The salience of islands in the articulation of creolization and diaspora . Diaspora: a journal of transnational studies 17 (1) 6–17( ) Creolization and cultural globalization: The soft sounds of fugitive power . Globalizations 4(3) pp 369-384( ) Introduction: From Fear to Solidarity . Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 32(4) pp 561-7( ) Migration and Health in Southern Africa . Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 32(4) pps 181( ) La liberte de circulation de devises et de personnes: les debats avant et apres le 11 Septembre 2001 . Migrations Societe 27(102) pp 45-69( ) Il mondo delle diaspore ci fa paura . Reset (Rome) 84 pp 75-78( ) Quella ebraica, madre di tutti le diaspore . Reset (Rome) 82 pp 44-48( ) Chinese Cockle-Pickers, the Transnational Turn and Everyday Cosmopolitanism: Reflections on the New Global Migrants . Labour, Capital and Society 37(2) pp 130-49( ) Crossing the Line. Migration: The End of Borders . Index on Censorship 32(2) 60-9
Chapters( ) Connecting culture and migration . In Robin Cohen, Gunvor Jónsson Migration and Culture , Cheltenham: Edward Elgar( ) Social Identities, Diaspora and Creolization . In K Knott, S McLoughlin Diasporas: Concepts, Identities, Intersections , London: Zed Books( ) The Creolization Debate: Analysing Mixed Identities and Cultures . In R Cohen, P Toninato The Creolization Reader: Studies in Mixed Indentites , London and New York: Routledge pps 1-22( ) Solid, Ductile and Liquid: The Changing Role of Homeland and Home in Diaspora Studies . In Y Sternberg, EB Rafael Transnationalism: Diasporas and the Advents of a New Dis(order) , Leiden: Brill( ) Diasporas: Changing Meanings and Limits of the Concept . In W Berthomiere, C Chivallon Les diasporas dan le monde , Contemporain Paris: Karthala and Maison des Ciences de l'Homme (Bordeaux Pessac) pp 39-48( ) Preface . In Chan Kwok Bun Migration, Ethnic Relations and Chinese Business , London: Routlege xi-xii( ) Reti di migranti transnazionali . In M Tirabassi Itinera: paradigmi delle migrazioni italiane , Turin: Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli 21-42( ) Diaspora, the Nation State and Globalization . In B Mazlish, A Iriye The Global History Reader , New York: Routledge pp 92-103( ) Preface . Global Diasporas: An Introduction (Greek Edition) , Athens 21-4( ) Four Cosmopolitan Moments . In S Vertovec, R Cohen Conceiving Cosmopolitanism: Theory, Context and Practice , Oxford: Oxford University Press 137-62( ) Introduction: Conceiving Cosmopolitanism . In S Vertovec, R Cohen Conceiving Cosmopolitanism: Theory, Context and Practice , Oxford: Oxford University Press pp 1-22( ) European and East-West Migration in a Global Context . In M Cross The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity , Cheltenham: Edward Elgar( ) Fuzzy Frontiers of Identity: The British Case . In H Goulbourne Race and Ethnicity: Critical Concepts in Sociology Vol 2 Solidarities and Communities , London: Routlege( ) Labour in an Age of Global Insecurity . In B Harriss-White Globaliszation and Insecurity: Political, Economic and Physical Challenges , Basingstoke: Palgrave pp 203-17( ) Diaspora . In NJ Smelser, P B Baltes International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences , Oxford: Pergamon pp 3642-5
Working papers( ) ‘Will Sunak’s ‘Stop the Boats’ policy have perverse consequences? A research agenda . COMPAS Working Paper 163