Research interests
Refugee economies; development economics; health economics; conflicts.
Olivier Sterck
Olivier Sterck is Associate Professor and Senior Research Officer. He is the lead economist of the Refugee Economies Programme (REP) at the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC).
Before joining the RSC, Olivier was postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) at the University of Oxford. His research is multidisciplinary in scope, building bridges between development economics, health economics, and refugee studies. Olivier's research uses applied econometrics and economic modelling to study refugee economies.
With colleagues from the REP, he has been collecting and analysing data on more than 15,000 refugees and members of host populations in Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia. In partnership with the World Food Programme, Olivier has been analysing the impact of various cash transfer models on the socio-economic outcomes of refugee households and refugee businesses in the Kakuma refugee camp and the Kalobeyei settlement.
For a complete list of publications, see Olivier's personal website (right)
Journal articles and special issues( ) The economic lives of refugees . World Development( ) Refugees Welcome? Inter-group Interaction and Host Community Attitude Formation . World Development 161 106088( ) Refugee mobilities in East Africa: understanding secondary movements . Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies( ) Why Do States Given Refugees the Right to Work? . Oxford Review of Economic Policy 38:3 514-30( ) Transnational blindness: International institutions and refugees’ cross-border activities . Review of International Studies( ) Empowering Refugees through Cash and Agriculture: A Regression Discontinuity Design . Journal of Development Economics( ) Cash Transfers and Migration: Experimental Evidence from Comoros . Review of Economics and Statistics( ) Fighting for Votes: Theory and Evidence on the Causes of Electoral Violence . Economica 87 (347) 844-83( ) Self-Reliance and Social Networks: Explaining Refugees’ Reluctance to Relocate from Kakuma to Kalobeyei . Journal of Refugee Studies 62-85 33 (1)( ) The Kalobeyei Settlement: A Self-Reliance Model for Refugees? . Journal of Refugee Studies 33 (1) 189–223( ) Beyond the Stars . Journal of Economic Surveys 33 (5) 1409-36( ) Estimating fiscal space for health: pitfalls and solutions . The Lancet HIV 6 (6) e345-e346( ) What Goes Wrong with the Allocation of Domestic and International Resources for HIV? . Health Economics 27 (2) 320-32( ) Who Benefited from Burundi’s Demobilization Program? . The World Bank Economic Review 32 (2) 357-82( ) Interest Rate in Savings Groups: Thrift or Threat? . World Development 101 162-72( ) The Moral and Fiscal Implications of Antiretroviral Therapies for HIV in Africa . Oxford Economic Papers 70 (2) 353-74( ) Rethinking international and domestic financing for HIV in low and middle income countries . Development Policy Review( ) From Rebellion to Electoral Violence: Evidence from Burundi . Economic Development and Cultural Change 67 (2) 333-68( ) Allocation of development assistance for health: is the predominance of national income justified? Health Policy and Planning( ) Natural Resources and the Spread of HIV/AIDS: Curse or Blessing? . Social Science & Medicine 150 (2) 271-8( ) Theorizing and Measuring Emotions in Conflict: The Case of the 2011 Palestinian Statehood Bid . Journal of Conflict Resolution 60 (4) 718-47( ) Financing the HIV response in sub-Saharan Africa from domestic sources: moving beyond a normative approach . Social Science & Medicine 169 66-76( ) Who Benefits from Customary Justice? Rent-seeking, Bribery and Criminality in Sub-Saharan Africa . Journal of African Economies 25 (3) 439-67( ) Diagnosing the Securitisation of Immigration at the EU Level: A New Method for Stronger Empirical Claims . Political Studies , 1120-39 63 (5)( ) From Death Sentence to Debt Sentence . Finance & Development (IMF) , 28-31 52 (4)( ) HIV/AIDS and Fatalism: Should Prevention Campaigns Disclose the Transmission Rate of HIV? . Journal of African Economies 23 (1) 53-104( ) Why are Testing Rates so Low in Sub-Saharan Africa? Misconceptions and Strategic Behaviors . Forum for Health Economics and Policy 16 (1) 1-39
Reports( ) Refugee debt and livelihoods in Northern Kenya . , Refiugee Economies Programme, Refugee Studies Centre
Working papers( ) Cash Transfers and Micro-Enterprise Performance: Theory and Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Kenya . SSRN Working Paper
Other publications( ) Social Cohesion and Refugee-Host Interaction: Evidence from East Africa . World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 9917 , World Bank( ) Cash Transfer Models and Debt in the Kalobeyei Settlement . , Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford( ) Doing Business in Kakuma: Refugees, Entrepreneurship, and the Food Sector . , Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford( ) Refugee Economies in Dollo Ado: Development Opportunities in a Border Region of Ethiopia . , Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford( ) Refugee Economies in Addis Ababa: Towards Sustainable Opportunities for Urban Communities? . , Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford( ) Refugee Economies in Uganda: What Difference Does the Self-Reliance Model Make? . , Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford( ) Self-Reliance in Kalobeyei? Socio-Economic Outcomes for Refugees in North-West Kenya . , Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford( ) Refugee Economies in Kenya . , Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford( ) Talent Displaced: The Economic Lives of Syrian Refugees in Europe . , Deloitte