Julia Schweers


Research interests

Citizenship, return migration, refugee politics

Julia Schweers

Research Officer, Refugee Economies Programme

Julia is a postdoctoral researcher at the Refugee Economies Programme. Together with Alexander Betts, she investigates the politics of refugee rights in East Africa and asks, ‘why do some states provide refugees with socio-economic rights and opportunities while others do not?’

Julia has an interdisciplinary background in Political Science, African Studies, and Social Theory. She is currently finishing up her DPhil in Migration Studies which shows that citizenship acquisition in the Global North can function as a means of upward mobility in the Global South. During her DPhil, Julia also collaborated on the MIGNEX project which studies the links between migration, development, and policy.

Between her master’s and her DPhil, she spent a year working in publishing, as an editor for the German monthly political magazine “Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik”.
