
Forced Migration Review 60 on Education: Needs, Rights and Access in Displacement now online

The latest issue of Forced Migration titled ‘Education: needs, rights and access in displacement’ is now online

In this issue, authors from around the world debate how better to enable access to quality education both in emergency settings and in resettlement and asylum contexts.

These authors represent academia, governments, international donors, non-governmental organisations, UN agencies, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, local education projects and a legal firm. And some of the authors have themselves experienced the challenges of learning and teaching while displaced.

FMR 60 also includes two general articles, one on localisation and one on implementing the Global Compacts.

Read the issue

FMR provides a forum for researchers, policymakers, practitioners and displaced people to analyse the causes and impacts of displacement; share research findings; debate policies and programmes; reflect the lived experience of displacement; and present examples of good practice and recommendations for policy and action. It is published three times a year, in English, Arabic, French and Spanish, by the Refugee Studies Centre. Free of charge online and in print.