Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group
The Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group is an academic collaborative project dedicated to advancing the study and practice of digital diplomacy. The group is led by Professor Corneliu Bjola (University of Oxford) and works closely with a team of doctoral students at the University of Oxford.
Related publications
Books and monographs
Bjola, Corneliu (with James Pamment) (eds) (2018) 'Countering Online Propaganda and Extremism: The Dark Side of Digital Diplomacy', Routledge
Bjola, Corneliu (with Markus Kornprobst) (2018) 'Understanding International Diplomacy: Theory, Practice and Ethics (2nd ed)', Routledge
Bjola, Corneliu (with Marcus Holmes) (eds) (2015) 'Digital Diplomacy: Theory and Practice', London and New York: Routledge
Journal articles
Bjola, Corneliu (with Ilan Manor) (2022) 'The rise of hybrid diplomacy: from digital adaptation to digital adoption', International Affairs 98 (2) 471–91
Bjola, Corneliu (2021) 'Digital diplomacy as world disclosure: the case of the COVID-19 pandemic', Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Bjola, Corneliu (with Jennifer Cassidy and Ilan Manor) (2019) 'Public Diplomacy in the Digital Age', The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 14 (1) 83-101
Bjola, Corneliu (2018) 'Digital Diplomacy 2.0: Trends and Countertrends', Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior (in Spanish) 113 (July/August) 35-52
Bjola, Corneliu (with Ilan Manor) (2018) 'Revisiting Putnam’s Two-Level Game Theory in the Digital Age: Domestic Digital Diplomacy and the Iran Nuclear Deal', Cambridge Review of International Affairs 31 (1) 3-32
Bjola, Corneliu (2018) 'The Ethics of Countering Digital Propaganda', Ethics & International Affairs 32 (3) 305-15
Bjola, Corneliu (2016) 'Getting digital diplomacy right: What quantum theory can teach us about measuring impact?', C Bjola (ed) Forum on 'Digital Diplomacy: State of the Art' Global Affairs 2 (3)
Bjola, Corneliu (with J Pamment) (2016) 'Digital Containment: Revisiting Containment Strategy in the Digital Age', Global Affairs 2 (2)
Working papers
Bjola, Corneliu (2022) ‘Artificial Intelligence and Diplomatic Crisis Management: Addressing the ‘Fog of War’ Problem’, DigDiploROx Working Paper No 6
Bjola, Corneliu (2021) 'The European Union’s Quest for Digital Sovereignty and its Implications for the Transatlantic Relationship', DigDiploROx Working Paper No 5
Bjola, Corneliu (2020) 'Combating Online Hate Speech and Anti-Semitism', DigDiploROx Working Paper No 4
Cassidy, Jennifer (2018) 'Digital Diplomatic Crisis Communication: Reconceptualising Diplomatic Signalling in an age of Real Time Governance', DigDiploROx Working Paper No 3
Manor, Ilan (2018) 'The Digitalization of Diplomacy: Toward Clarification of a Fractured Terminology ', DigDiploROx Working Paper No 2
Bjola, Corneliu (2018) 'Adapting Diplomacy to the Digital Age: Managing the Organisational Cultures of Ministries of Foreign Affairs', DigDiploROx Working Paper No 1
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