
ODID MPhil Student's Article Wins Ngo Human Welfare Prize

ODID MPhil student Manini Sheker has been awarded the Ngo Human Welfare prize for a paper on freedoms and capabilities.

“What Should I Do with That by Which I Do Not Become Immortal?”: Religion, Freedom, and Development compares the views of 'freedom' and the 'good life' as understood by Catholic social teaching on the one hand, and the capabilities approach on the other, in order to understand how these views can be better brought into a dialogue that would enable the creation of a more holistic understanding of human welfare.

The NGO Human Welfare prize is awarded annually to a contributor to the journal Human Welfare. The winning article is selected by the Principal of Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, on the grounds that it makes a significant contribution to Human Welfare’s aims; is thought provoking; demonstrates freedom of expression; and is objective.

Human Welfare: An International Journal of Graduate Research was launched in May 2012 at the 5th annual Human Welfare Conference. The journal showcases the original research of graduate students investigating issues in human welfare across the globe.