
New Special Issue: Emerging Issues in Refugee Policy Around the World

A new special issue of Refugee Survey Quarterly brings together a selection of papers from the conference on 'Understanding Global Refugee Policy' organised by the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC) to celebrate its 30th anniversary.

'Emerging Issues in Refugee Policy Around the World', Refugee Survey Quarterly 33 (1), March 2014, was edited by Alexander Betts and Gil Loescher of the RSC.

One of the many notable themes to emerge from the conference was the extent to which that period has engendered continuity or change in global refugee policy. How has the agenda changed? Has the nature of the challenges facing policy-makers shifted over the last three decades? Has refugee policy become more politicised? Has finding solutions to refugee situations become more difficult? To what extent are main actors different? Is it still a fundamentally state-centric policy field? How have the main forums and institutions within which policy is made changed?

The papers in this collection offer a window onto that question of continuity and change. In doing so, they address a range of important emerging themes and cover a wide set of geographical regions.

Read the full issue.