
New special issue co-edited by Evan Easton-Calabria examines refugee self-reliance

A new special issue of the Journal of Refugee Studies edited by Evan Easton-Calabria and Claudia Skran of Lawrence University aims to critically examine the concept of refugee self-reliance, and to assess its relationship with the broader topics of livelihoods and entrepreneurship for refugees. 

The issue, which seeks to contribute to the existing body of literature critically assessing the provenance, practice and implications of refugee self-reliance and efforts to foster it, stems from a workshop on refugee self-reliance held in June 2017 sponsored by the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC).

Authors include several RSC members – Alexander Betts, Naohiko Omata, Olivier Sterck and Evan Easton-Calabria herself – writing on topics such as self-reliance and social networks, Afghan refugees in Pakistan, and the Kalobeyei settlement in Kenya (which aimed to support self-reliance for refugees and greater refugee–host interaction).

Claudia Skran and Evan Easton-Calabria (eds) (2020) 'Special Issue: Rethinking Refugee Self-Reliance', Journal of Refugee Studies