
IMI Wins Funding from EC FP7, Norface for Two New Projects

The International Migration Institute at ODID has won funding from Norface and the EC FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network to undertake two new research projects that will be led by Hein de Haas

European Welfare States in Times of Mobility is a Norface-funded project that will be led by NIDI (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute) Netherlands in partnership with IMI, University of Warsaw and University of Lisbon. The project aims to understand the role of welfare systems in destination and origin countries for migration patterns within and towards Europe.

TRANSMIC: Political Remittances: Migration, Social Transformation and Revolution is a project funded by Marie Curie Initial Training Networks, led by Maastricht University and in partnership with six other institutes: University Liege, UMINHO, Universite D’Aix Marseille, UTA, Centre for European Policy Studies, University of Warsaw. It aims to enhance our understanding of transnational migration by looking at the conditions for and effects of transnational migration, possibilities for the mobility of migrants’ rights to be enhanced, and the links between migration, citizenship, and migration and development